When you’re a “professional” evangelist and “qualified” apologist, that means it all comes easy when sharing your faith, right? But we all have to start somewhere. This time on PEP Talk, Kristi Mair interviews her normal co-host Andy Bannister about how God called him into public ministry and what he’s learned along the way.
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Our Guest
Andy Bannister is the Director of Solas and an adjunct speaker with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries. Having ticked the wrong box on his university admissions form, he now holds a PhD in Islamic Studies. He has written The Atheist Who Didn’t Exist and his next book Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God? is due out in March 2021. When he’s not travelling, writing, speaking, or entertaining his children with bad jokes, Andy can be found walking the hills of Scotland or the Lake District.
About PEP Talk
The Persuasive Evangelism Podcast aims to equip listeners to share their faith more effectively in a sceptical world. Each episode, Andy Bannister (Solas) and Kristi Mair (Oak Hill College) chat to a guest who has a great story, a useful resource, or some other expertise that helps equip you to talk persuasively, winsomely, and engagingly with your friends, colleagues and neighbours about Jesus.